Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Flat Stanley

I know you are all thinking, "Another post? Sarah, get a life!" Well, I had a little extra time this evening so I thought I would post about a project I am working on.

My friend, Holly, sent me Flat Stanley. A 3rd grade class in Rockwall, Texas just finished the book, Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. Their project is for each student to send out their own Flat Stanley to friends and family across the United States and even the world. Here is Angel's summary of the story:
"The book Flat Stanley is about a boy named Stanley who is accidentally squished as flat as a pancake when his bulletin board falls on him during the night. Stanley is very very flat but otherwise fine. The story goes on to tell how Stanley discovers some real advantages to being flat. The can slide under doors, go down into an envelope and be mailed to California for an exciting vacation."

Flat Stanley arrived at our home last Friday. We are to treat as a guest and take him to see the sites in our town. We are supposed to jot down facts about our city and tell about his stay. They love for us to send pictures and postcards.

So far, we've taken him to tour the police department. We are hoping to take him to the Stafford Air & Space Museum, the Corn Maize, and the windmills before sending him on to another host.

Here are a couple pictures from the police dept.


  1. This is the best thing ever!! I love those pictures!! :)

  2. Too bad you didn't get Stanley in time to send him to Eurpoe with Rebecca!


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