Saturday, November 24, 2007

It SNOWED!!!!!

We got an unexpected surprise yesterday afternoon- SNOW! Yeah! For all those who may not know, I LOVE SNOW! I was very excited. I couldn't wait to take Cayson out to experience his first snow.... of course he was napping.... and he took the longest nap ever while I paced the floor waiting for him to wake up. After 2 hours of sleeping, I finally woke him up. Thankfully, it was still snowing. I don't really think he noticed the snow - he just knew it was cold.

As you can see, he was thrilled with the snow - ha!


  1. That is so much fun.. I had to run to Walmart this morning and when I came out it was snowing just a little. I was hoping by the time I got home it would still be so that I could take Luke out. However I got to our house and NOTHING!!! I was not very happy. But we might have another chance tomorrow!!

    I figure Luke will be as thrilled as Cayson.

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