We had a great Christmas together... Dusty and I talked about it and decided this was the best Christmas yet... with many more to come! Cayson wasn't exactly into the whole Christmas spirit, but we were!
We woke up Christmas morning and opened our gifts. Cayson got some clothes, a few toys, and some books. He got a big boy car seat which Dusty installed Christmas Eve. Dusty bought me a new camera, a Rachael Ray knife and cookbook, and a wool coat! Dusty got a DVD, iPod earphones, a photo book of him & Cayson, some pictures for his office, some clothes. We had breakfast and Cayson took his morning nap. Then we went to my parents for lunch. Mom made a big spread! Turkey, mashed pototaoes, rolls, sweet potato casserole, dressing, green beans, pies, etc. It was so delicious! After dinner, we headed to Carnegie to see Dusty's family.
We enjoyed our time with Dusty's family. It seems we don't get to see them much these days. We had a crowd down there for dinner - I think 28 counting Cayson! You can only imagine how many gifts were exchanged and opened. I'm sure Gary had a few loads of trash to haul off! Cayson got to play with his cousins... the girls enjoyed playing with Cayson's baby toys. It was pretty funny. They told me that they were going to teach Cayson how to play with them.
We woke up Christmas morning and opened our gifts. Cayson got some clothes, a few toys, and some books. He got a big boy car seat which Dusty installed Christmas Eve. Dusty bought me a new camera, a Rachael Ray knife and cookbook, and a wool coat! Dusty got a DVD, iPod earphones, a photo book of him & Cayson, some pictures for his office, some clothes. We had breakfast and Cayson took his morning nap. Then we went to my parents for lunch. Mom made a big spread! Turkey, mashed pototaoes, rolls, sweet potato casserole, dressing, green beans, pies, etc. It was so delicious! After dinner, we headed to Carnegie to see Dusty's family.
We enjoyed our time with Dusty's family. It seems we don't get to see them much these days. We had a crowd down there for dinner - I think 28 counting Cayson! You can only imagine how many gifts were exchanged and opened. I'm sure Gary had a few loads of trash to haul off! Cayson got to play with his cousins... the girls enjoyed playing with Cayson's baby toys. It was pretty funny. They told me that they were going to teach Cayson how to play with them.
Those pictures are soooo cute!