Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Few Pictures....

Here are a few pictures from Thursday.... I needed to run some errands so I dressed Cayson in his cozy warm outfit - he wasn't fond of it! It did remind me of the movie The Christmas Story....I also had to snap a couple pictures of Cayson sleeping... he had his knees pulled up under him with his tush in the air. I thought it was so adorable... I am biased though! Oh, and he was wearing his big boy pajamas from Papa and Nana... he looks like a little man in them!

Okay, after reviewing this post, I realize these sleeping pictures aren't that great... it was much better in person... there is just something so sweet and innocent about sleeping babies. I could just spend the night watching my baby sleeping... another great thing about being a parent!

1 comment:

  1. The whole "sleeping with the rear in the air" is one of my favorite things about my babies. Jayce did it the most, but both of the girls slept this way occasionally too. I always thought that it was the cutest thing!


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