After I put Cayson down for bed around 7 pm, I heard someone yelling "House fire!" I run out to make sure it's not my parents' house and smoke was billowing out of a house 3 doors down.... not the band 3 doors down... more like 3 houses down. I run in to grab my camera, of course, and Dusty calls 911. The lady who lived there got out with her three dogs, but everything in the house will probably be gone. It makes you really think about what's important in this world... not material things, but where we'll spend eternity.
Here are the pictures I took... the newspaper editor asked me to e-mail them to the paper so they may be in Tuesday's edition.
The smokeDad sitting with the lady and her 3 dogs! You can still see smoke in the background coming from her house.I love the colors of this picture.
Here's what I saw when I ran out of the house... my camera was accidentally on video so it started shooting a video instead of pics. Kind of neat though.
A side note, Cayson slept through EVERYTHING! Dad was banging on the door frame with a hammer, we had sirens everywhere, and fire trucks with their lights parked on our street for hours and not a peep out of Cayson. What a great kid!
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