Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

We didn’t really venture out into the below zero wind chills. Cayson did take a little sled ride to my parents to make snow ice cream.


Here Taryn is showing off her snow shirt and my snow boots. :)

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Cayson got all bundled up for his one block ride to Grandma & Granddaddy's.

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I love bundled up kiddos! Cayson was so excited about the snow. He enjoyed calling people and telling them all about the deep snow and the “weathery” conditions. He was dying to make snow angels and a snowman. He did get to make snow angels today and do a little sledding. Pics to come soon!

1 comment:

  1. I love T's belly!! And I love Cayson all bundled up with only a peek of his face showing!
    What a fun snow day you and Dusty give them (and always do), sledding and snow ice cream, I've never done/had either.


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