This is probably about 3+ weeks of phone pictures that I've been meaning to post! I'm always snapping pictures with my phone these days and rarely use the good camera... though I do have some fun pictures on the big camera I need to post soon. I hope your eyes don't bleed from the picture overload.
Cayson was quite proud when he learned how to spell this word... his daddy was proud too. :)

Cayson was quite proud when he learned how to spell this word... his daddy was proud too. :)
During our crazy 100+ degree spell, Cayson picked this book out for our bedtime storytime. It totally cracked me up! It was pleasant to read about snow and cold when it was so crazy hot outside.

Some of my current reads (a few weeks ago). I've since finished the Karen Kingsbury and am working on the 5 Love Languages.
I've been working on a few little projects lately - one being these shutters I've had for YEARS and haven't touched! They are getting repurposed and painted! 
I've probably mentioned that my kids eat A LOT. They out-eat Dusty & I for the most part. This was Taryn's piled high plate one day for lunch. Turkey, peaches, cantaloupe and whole wheat crackers. She ate every morsel and begged for seconds.
I sewed some Swiffer pads for my Swiffer Wet Jet. It's a nice money saver - not having to buy the expensive disposable pads. These just go in the wash. So far, so good. I've also jail-broke the Swiffer so I can put my own mop solution in it and save $$$.

My big kid playing! Love him!
Taryn at Storytime at the library. She was more interested in her own book than the one being read.
I was excited to harvest our first cantaloupes! They are voluntary - they came up from my composting. Our banana peppers are producing like crazy and we've since lost our squash plants. :(

Homemade milkshakes - enough said.

Last weekend, I found a few treasures at a garage sale. Spent $6 for all and got a few sewing things not pictured.
Last weekend, I found a few treasures at a garage sale. Spent $6 for all and got a few sewing things not pictured.
This week's Funday Monday involved a trip to the splash pad....

.... and a date night for the parents!
.... and a date night for the parents!
I wish I would have taken a before picture of Dusty's plate. We ate at Red Rock Canyon Grill and it was delicious! He ate his entire rack of ribs, monster pile of mashed potatoes and delicious house salad!

The storms were rolling in as we left. It was beautiful!

Gorgeous sunset on our drive home.

We finished off our "date" doing manual labor cutting down weeds/trees on a job that Dusty needed to finish. It was a gorgeous morning and I was happy to help get the job finished. My muscles did complain a bit...

I see all kinds of things on my morning walks.... this week, I passed a horseshoe on the sidewalk. Hhhmmm.... you know you're in Oklahoma when....

We got to watch some of the local college's morning practice one day this week. The kids loved it and the weather was completely beautiful!

Yesterday was a nice, wet, cloudy day. It was awesome after weeks of 100+ degree days. Taryn thought it was fall, and pulled out her Uggs. Not the best picture but I was laughing that she was ready to wear her boots.

And lastly, my phone got hacked by this little mister. Stinker!

i need to pick you brain on meal ideas for cooper. he's turned into such a picky eater and I find myself giving him the same things over and over.