Blogging has really taken a backseat in my life lately. There's just so much going on with work, church, household stuff, family, etc. My Tuesday 10 is my way to catch up in one general post.
1. Taryn has officially mastered the crib escape. She flings a leg over
the side and climbs out onto her dresser and then jumps off the dresser.
Fearless, she is. The other night when she was supposed to be sleeping,
Dusty caught her dancing on her dresser trying to wake Cayson up. She
now gets up at the crack of dawn (6 am) and wakes Cayson up. So far,
they pretty much play in their room quietly for a bit so Momma gets a
little more shut eye.
2. The Girl's Day in the Country went well. There wasn't as much traffic as I'd like though it was a busy weekend with lots going on and it was the very first event. I got a lot of custom orders so I am working on fulfilling those! She is looking at hosting a spring sale in April.
3. We took our family photos on Friday despite ridiculous Oklahoma
biting wind. It was freezing! And I wore a rayon dress that was quite
breezy. We did our little family pics along with pictures with my
parents, sister and brother-in-law. Rebecca is an amazing photographer and got some great shots! Here's a sneak peek:
4. After pictures, we went to Arcadia, to snap a few pictures at the
historic Arcadia Round Barn (yes, the official name - creative, I know!) and
eat dinner at Pop's to celebrate my birthday.

5. I have been busy working on custom orders this past week along with a
few personal projects including this appliqued shirt and twirl skirt
for Miss T. I also took products to The Presidential Boutique in El Reno
this week. Check them out! I got in some new Christmas fabrics today and will be working furiously trying to get all Christmas outfits completed. I'm still taking orders so check it out!
6. Cayson aka Momma was in charge of snacks for his CDO Thanksgiving party. Thanks to Pinterest and PBK, I threw these Mayflower snack boats together. The kids have been learning about the Mayflower and Pilgrims so it went along with their learning. They were super easy to make. I made a template using card stock and cut the felt boats out. I ran a quick stitch along them with my sewing machine and attached the masses with hot glue. They weren't real sturdy and tended to tip over but they were cute.
7. Cayson is completely fascinated/in-love with Jake and the Neverland Pirates. We don't have cable so he usually just gets to watch it at my parents' house. As part of their Halloween candy exchange prize, we got him the DVD and he is in pirate heaven. His life revolves around playing pirates. It's pretty hilarious and has rubbed off on Taryn. She and Cayson walk around the house carrying swords and talking "pirate talk." Funny stuff.
8. The kids thought it would be a good idea to nap in their bedroom floor. I can guarantee that it was a bad idea and no babies got rest. But they are awfully cute!
9. I turned the BIG 3-0 on Sunday. Dusty & the kids spoiled me rotten with decorations, 30 roses, a cookie cake and many fun gifts. I have a such a sweet husband and awesome kids. Cayson loves throwing birthday parties so he got Dusty up at 6 am so they could decorate for my birthday. Taryn sang the sweetest rendition of Happy Birthday...seriously, adorable. I needed a lot of cheering up due to #10.
10. Sadly, my dear grandfather passed away early Saturday morning. I found these pictures from he & my mom's birthday party in May. He was a great man who will be missed so much. Today, we will bury him. :(
Grandpa & Grandma with their four kids |
Grandpa & Grandma with some of their great-grandkids |
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