Friday, December 7, 2012

End of Week Tid Bits

When Dusty got home from work, Taryn asked him if he'd been good for his workers. When he leaves for work, she tells him to be good for his workers.

Cayson told me he's going to watch Wild Kratts (one of his fav tv shows) until he graduates college. Ha ha. He likes it that much. He does learn a lot about animals from that show. He's always schooling me on animals.

We took the kids to see the Chesapeake lights in the city last weekend. It was our first time and we had a blast walking around the wonderland of lights.

The kids were thrilled to don their pajamas and watch Mary Poppins for the drive home.

Sunday best! I attempted to take pics of the kids on Sunday but didn't really get much as far as quality pictures go.

Bicycle built for 2? Quite possibly the most awkward bike ride I've witnessed.

The kids made snake art as we practiced our S's... Cayson was technical and made his a North American Rattlesnake where Taryn's was more of the rainbow colored variety.

This chica has been practicing her pedaling. For some reason, pedaling a bike has been a hard lesson for her. She prefers to "Fred Flinstone" it and use her feet most of the time.

Stop the presses! The Jarnagin family finally visited Santa Clause. First time ever! We're not exactly big Santa Clause fans in this household but thought we'd give it a try. Taryn was very excited to meet Santa. Cayson, on the other hand, was full of trepidation. Tears were flowing before the Santa encounter until Dusty offered $5 if he'd act like a big boy. Surprise! The tears magically stopped. When he got off Santa's lap, he told Dusty that was the easiest five bucks he's made. Yep, we're suckers... and probably, terrible parents.

I made these Peanut Butter Cup Chocolate Cookies today... can you say, super yum-o!

I know I have sang the praises of Forever21's camis but have I mentioned my addiction to their necklaces? Or necklaces in general? I love necklaces and F21's prices can't be beat! Got a motherload today... they had 30% off jewelry the other week so I stocked up.

I know we all love Target's Dollar Spot, right? I found these cute Christmas labels and wrapping paper there. Wish I would have snagged for of the labels. They are so cute! I just need to get my act together and start wrapping!

I'm so sad that this souvenir from our honeymoon had a terrible fall thanks to my rambunctious children. Poor Mickey lost his arm and ear and Minnie lost her head. We've had this nearly 10 years!

The other day, my mom asked Taryn if she had been good for me. She responded, "Not so much." Then, today we asked Taryn if she was naughty and she replied with a definite, yes! Ah, that sums up our days lately... lots of fits and drama but also lots of entertainment in the form of dancing and singing and comic relief. A two year old with a large vocabulary can be quite hilarious.

I have a fun giveaway coming soon.... stay tuned!!!

1 comment:

  1. Cute pics! We love the Chesapeake lights. Fun Jarnagin week, as always!! My kids wanted to keep the cookies for the Kings. I promised I would get the recipe.


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