A belated post on Taryn's princess party bash.... We had a ball and I loved using lots and lots of pink! I started with the princess party supplies by Meri Meri
which I bought at a nice discount from Zulily. After that, I just added lots of pink!
Aren't these little girls darling? Taryn had such a blast playing with all of her friends!

My mother-in-law and sister-in-law made the awesome cake! Taryn picked this one from my Pinboard of cake possibilities. I made the "skirt" to go around the cake stand.
There was an abundance of pink sweets for all with strawberry cupcakes, heart shaped marshmallows, taffy, princess cookies, suckers, malt balls, M&Ms and cake! Whew!
The proud 3 year old princess - she was excited to wear the birthday ribbon I made.
It is hard to believe our princess is 3 already! It is crazy how time flies.
Happy 3rd Taryn!! Her party was fit for a princess.