Sunday, January 10, 2010

First Sunday back

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I had intentions of getting pictures of the kids before church today but of course, we were running behind. I settled for these two I snapped just before Cayson’s nap. Taryn had already lost her hat, booties & BabyLegs. She wore the same outfit she came home in since it’s the only dress that somewhat fits and doesn’t completely swallow her.

Taryn was Little Miss Popular for her first time at church. Everybody oohed & ahhed her while she slept away. She slept through Sunday School, church & lunch.

On other news, she let Mommy sleep for 6 hours straight last night! Yay! She went 7 hours between feedings which made me wake up in a panic. Thankfully, all was okay… she was just happily snoozing.

1 comment:

  1. cute pictures of the kiddos!! I am sad we missed seeing you at church, we couldn't run the risk of spreading our germs. Glad you were able to make it!!


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