Thursday, November 8, 2012

Another Zoo Day

We were able to combine a family day to the city with a work day (Dusty) to run work errands on Tuesday. After an early voting session, we headed to the big city! We spent a few hours at the zoo... the kids rode this silly carousel that they ask to ride every.single.visit. They learned it was a slow and boring ride!

This trip, the kids played on the huge playground. We've never taken the time to explore it but it is awesome! Lots of fun tunnels, climbing things, slides, and such. It's pretty nice when you have the entire playground to yourselves too!

The trees were dressed in beautiful autumn colors. I love gorgeous trees in the fall! Cayson was willing to pose in front of some of the beauty.

There are two bison behind Cayson in this picture...

Dusty found himself a little shade tree... at least it was a pretty shade of red!

We got to see the grizzly bears and black bears up close this visit so it was fitting to take a picture with the bear statue.

We finally got to try out Tucker's for lunch. I loved the onion burger and sweet tea! The rest of the family wasn't as keen on the onions. :) The kids shared a milkshake which was a treat for them.

Taryn was a little under the weather but it kept getting worse and worse until we decided to get her home to our convenient care before they closed. We got there in plenty of time only to find they had closed early to vote. Ugh! I was not a happy camper. We did lots of natural remedies and she seems to be doing better though she is on day 4 of having absolutely no voice. I've been trying to get her better and it seems like I might be getting it now. :(

Have a great Thursday, y'all!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day! The zoo pics are stunning with the gorgeous trees.


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