Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Foto Dump

Phone dump time! Here are a few pictures from the past week or so!

We had a late night silly string and bubble blowing party. The kids thought it was great - pajamas and all!

Last Friday, the kids and I finally got to go visit Dusty's office. The kids weren't content with the Facetime tour and wanted to see where Daddy works. It's not exactly the most kid-friendly place seeing as it houses sixteen 16-18 year old delinquent males, you know? I snapped this picture of Dusty's hutch covered in the kids' artwork that they send with him to work. So sweet!

This girl, these sunglasses, the vest. Love her!

My grandma turned 82 last Saturday! We had a fun little celebration for her. :) Isn't she cute?

I've been spending as much time as I can helping my sister paint at her fixer-upper... you know, since she's 8 months pregnant, living in a one room pool house and has a massive house to get baby ready! Little by little, we're getting the rooms painted! The kids have been spending their nap times at my mom's so that I can get in a few hours at a time painting away.

Taryn is always the mothering type... she was insistent on ushering her friend to Sunday School last Sunday. They were so cute.

Dusty and I are enjoying our little toddler Sunday School class. The kids got horse rides from Dusty last Sunday. 

This sweetie pie was so obsessed with the self portrait camera on my phone... like totally obsessed.

Shelby-girl came to play with us too! Love her stylin' necklace. :)

I went to get Taryn up from her nap and found her in a self made pallet on the floor. Stinker.

Cayson was ecstatic to get to go deer hunting with Dusty and Papa last weekend. He thought he was sooo big and was excited that they saw several deer though they didn't actually get one.... which I'm fine with.

After much trial and error, I finally made a zippered pillow cover for this floor pillow. I picked up the oversized pillow insert for only a $1 at a friend's garage sale and it's been sitting around our house for a year or two... seriously, I'm the worst procrastinator! I used a dropcloth for the fabric.

I also made this envelope pillow cover for another pillow insert I had. I love the "Ode to Oklahoma." I think we are lucky to have such a unique state shape! It's so recognizable and definitely not boring.

Taryn got out "a few" books for me to read before bed....

When we went to the city, I was able to stop by Whole Foods for the first time! I was mesmerized by their gorgeous fresh flowers! I felt forced to buy myself a beautiful bouquet.

Loved this Verse of the Day from Air1 on Wednesday (the day after the election). Isn't it true? We must use God's weapons.... not worldy weapons.

Cayson was helping Taryn on the tricycle the other day... love how helpful he can be! They were having a blast riding circles together.

Dusty let Taryn drive the police car solo and I must say I was thinking fast-forward to a crazy driving 16 year old Taryn. It was not pretty! Lots of near misses as she drove crazily around.

Today we made our thankful hand turkeys. It was sweet to hear what the kids were thankful for! Cayson has to include "seeing the cheetah at the zoo" on his. The cheetah that you have to walk to the very furthest point at the zoo to see, fyi.

Have a wonderful Friday and a fantastic weekend, all!


  1. What fun pics!! The kids are so happy, I love seeing those smiles!
    I love your header pic and the kids pics! I can't believe how big they are getting.

  2. LOVE that Oklahoma pillow! I have been wanting to have an Oklahoma wall in our house for awhile now! Love that little police car too! My oldest daughter picked the same exact one for her birthday present in September. She said she wanted it so she could help people & cops are her friend :)


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