Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ah... chili weather!!!!!

I'm making chili for dinner tonight... I've been looking forward to to a cool enough day to have this spicy chili! The weather here in OK is cool and wet today - as in jacket weather. This is crazy since we Last night, I made PW's Beef Enchiladas and they were soooo delish! I would type out the recipe but she does a great job at it so you can find it here.
Here's a picture of my little helper! Isn't he adorable? The next Jamie Oliver....

Also want to give a shout-out to my sis-in-law, Kim, who turns a young 25 today. *wink, wink*


  1. LOVE the little chef! SO cute! Great recipes! Chili is sounding SO good right now!

    Happy Birthday to Kim!!



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