Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday 10!

1. I cannot believe today is the last day of January and we have had such warm temperatures. I really enjoy snow so I have missed not having snowy days this winter but the kids have enjoyed playing outside! I love this picture from last week of Cayson on his PowerWing Scooter.

2. Today, when I took the kids out to ride/run, Cayson and Taryn kept racing. Cayson on his Radio Flyer Scooter and Taryn pushing her "empty" baby stroller. Taryn got fed up with the stroller slowing her down as she raced so she ended up carrying the stroller in her arms and running. It was the funniest thing ever. I didn't have a camera or phone to get pictures. Ah!

3. Dusty demoted me to a bag phone this week after my phone fell out of my pocket and into the kids' bath. Apparently, I am not responsible enough for an iPhone. This phone alone has been dropped in water twice. My last one had an exciting ride through the wash cycle of are washing machine. The current water logged phone is enjoying a spa day in a steamy bag of rice.

4. Taryn had a very special birthday party on Saturday. She was surrounded by most of her family! Her bff, Gracie, was there too! She has been having a blast with all of her new toys! Pics to come soon....

5. Cayson is excited that his birthday is "next" in our family. He wants a police themed party so Momma has to get to work finding age appropriate ideas for his party.

6. Last night, I got dinner on the table a little later than usual because my lassagna took longer to bake than usual. Cayson told me he had a great idea how I could have had dinner ready on time. "If you would stay in the kitchen instead of walking around the house, dinner would have been ready earlier." Ha ha. The conclusion is that while I am doing housework, I am actually just walking around the house. And he thought if I'd just stay in the kitchen, then dinner would have been ready.

7. We are starting a new block of Bible studies at church on Wednesday nights. I am doing the ladies Bible study - James Mercy Triumphs by Beth Moore. I am so excited! Dusty is participating in the Courageous study that follows up the movie.

8.  Common sight at our house:

9. Always a good reminder. I need this poster size in my kitchen!

10. Do you like the updates to my blog? I shocked myself and designed the header using Picnik... you know, before it closes. And I even updated the sidebars with new pictures of the kidlets!


  1. I am barely able to keep up with your blog! So much is going on, friend!

    I wish I could have seen the race between C and T. I cannot wait to see party pics.

    I could use that verse in a poster size as well. I do love the updates, the header and obviously the new pics on the sidebar all look great.

  2. Been forever since I've been by...the kiddos are so big and adorable! The party looks super cute-- Peach loves Minnie Mouse!


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