Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tuesday 10

1. I finally got this baby back in working order!!! She was out of commission for awhile before I took her for repairs which ended up taking two trips to the repair shop because she ended up needing a new motor. I'm just happy to be able to sew again!

2. Speaking of sewing, I made a shirt for me, a baby onesie and two shirts for Taryn. I was quite ready to get back into sewing!

3. This Dixon was my Caddilac Saturday morning... I helped Dusty mow his lawns. He had a crazy week which put him behind. It just so happened the kids were at my parents' so we teamed up to get some lawns done. I must admit that I haven't mowed in 9 1/2 years.... since we got married!!! I was so happy to have a husband to mow the lawn. I am spoiled rotten, I know.

4. Cayson had a swim party at a nearby public pool Saturday evening. He begged to go off the diving board... in the deep end. I finally gave in and let him though I was nervous. He did a great job jumping in and swimming to the ladder. I was a proud momma! His swimming lessons paid off!

5. Not the best picture but I wanted to post one of Dusty working in our toddler nursery while on duty. He has been so committed - coming while he's on duty to help with the kiddos. We have a pretty full room most Sundays so it's a hectic hour and a half. The kids are pretty fascinated with his uniform and all his equipment.

6. I found this oven fried okra recipe and it's been a hit. I think next time, I'll add a little flour with the cornmeal. I usually do a flour/cornmeal mixture when I fry it. You can find the recipe here.

7. I have been completely slacking on my booth at the antique mall... I finally made my way in there today. I was happy to have sold quite a bit but now I need to get it restocked! Pretty much all of my handmade magnets had sold this month along with several pillows. That makes me happy to sell my handmade products.

8. I made this yummy salsa today from Joy's Hope. So good! I made the "senorita" version which is spicy hot but she has a milder version too! Check out the recipe here.

9. Underwater pics of these kids=hilarious stuff

10. I have to share a new favorite verse. I heard it on my AFR app while working out this week -

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. Psalm 51:12.

My desire is for the joy of my salvation to be restored - like a child's complete and utter joy! Like the joy I see everyday in my sweet children! Awesome words!

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Splish Splash, Stayin' Cool

Despite crazy Oklahoma heat, we've been attempting to stay cool by getting wet! Weekly splash pad play dates have been the best along with swims in our pool.
Taryn and Gracie love to play side by side at the splash pad

Cayson loves when the bucket dumps on him. Quite the opposite of last year.

Cayson & Britton at the splash pad

Taryn cracked me up laying down while the boys plotted

Here's our little fish... always swimming! He loves the water! 

ICEES in the pool? Sure! This girl's got the life!

We've enjoyed snacks and meals poolside... less clean up for Momma this way!


Summer may mean extreme heat but to us, it means water fun!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Tuesday 10 - two days late!

I'm just a day late on my post... story of my life!

1. I was tagged for "What I'm Doing Now" last week... yes, starting my day off with a workout. I'm a sweaty disgusting mess when I leave the gym. This coming from a girl who hates to sweat!

2. Cayson had a knight birthday party for his bud, Blaine, last week. The kids got in the pool to cool off and had quite the blast!

Taryn and Gracelyn had a ball splashing about.

3. Cayson has been making good use of his knightly party favors... this includes walking down the street dressed in this attire. One neighbor girl told Cayson, "Nice mask!" It was hilarious.

Taryn upped the princess anty by adding a super hero cape and mask.

4. We made a short stop at the local duck pond to say hi to the ducks. I guess with this extreme heat, they aren't getting fed as much because they nearly attacked us begging for food! We need to go back this week to feed them.

5. We made another stop at the famous Liberty Theatre for refreshments! Despite a 45 minute wait, we held out for our show pops, show dogs, and pop corn. We are desperate, I know!

6. This girl just cracks me up! She is pretty hilarious with her sunglasses.

7. These two had to get vaccinations this week. :( Boo. Cayson had his very belated 5 year check up and they both got shots. Cayson weighed in at 50 lbs and is 48" tall. He is off the charts for height and 97th for weight! The PA said Cayson is the average height for a 6-7 year old. The kids' treat after shots? Chick-Fil-A ice cream!

 8. We hit up Celebration Station for a little family fun! Cayson was in heaven playing the racing and shooting games. There weren't a whole lot of good games for Taryn but she enjoyed herself anyway.

9. I am thinking our playset needs a post all of it's own... so many things have fallen in place thanks to GOD. It's so awesome! Dusty & my dad got it put together and the kids are in heaven playing on it!

10. Hope everyone has an awesome Friday and a super weekend!!! We have a baby shower and birthday party to attend on Saturday so it should be a fun day!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Tuesday 10- Phone dump!

1. We are planning an early fall family road trip if all works out... I've been working on mapping out the details!!! We will be heading eastward!

2. This summer, we've enjoyed our fair share of snow cones and ICEEs. I took Taryn for a date to get snow cones the other day. She always requests strawberry.

3. Our Old Navy visit last week was quite entertaining as the kids were quite enamored with the mannequins. They have never paid attention to them until this trip. They loved the dog and wanted the little girl to be their sister! Taryn kept holding her hand and talking to her like they were best buds.

4. I pulled out these fun glasses and some feather boas from storage last week. The kids have had a ball with them! I haven't enjoyed picking up all the bright pink & purple feathers around the house from the boas.

5. We have been making quite a few afternoon visits to Daddy's office lately... our afternoons seem so long most days. This gives us a little opportunity to get out of the house yet be somewhere air conditioned.

6. We went to visit Dusty's parents Sunday afternoon which resulted in a visit to the ever-famous Liberty Movie Theater for show dogs and show pops for dinner. Yum! It was my first show dog experience and I am now a big fan!!!

7. There has been a lot of swimming going on around here to stay cool. Swimming is a lot easier this year with the kids. Taryn uses her puddle jumper and Cayson just swims and swims and swims his heart out.

8. I washed these babies up over the weekend to put on top of my cabinet! I love vintage blue canning jars!

9. Today we took a lengthy adventure to the Wichita Mountains, Medicine Park and Crowder Lake. We drove to the top of Mt. Scott which scared me to death... I'm so scared of heights! The kids had no fear though and nearly caused me many heart attacks over the course of our visit.

I "hiked" in my Sperrys... meant to change into tennis shoes but forgot.

Me= Super Scared

We saw an antique at Medicine Park... or rather, a pay phone. We had to explain to the kids what it was. Ha ha. Times are changing!

10. We had a 60th birthday party for my mother-in-law with a 50's sock hop theme. It was a cute party put on by my sisters-in-law and brother-in-law. This was the only picture that I snapped - Dusty and Taryn being on the television set.

Have a great week!!! I realized we have exactly one month until school starts. Insert sad face. I'm not ready for summer to end.